As I was not raised learning about Jesus through the eyes of a church, in my adulthood I have become more and more interested in the "pull" that has grown towards within the spiritual side of myself. This little book was a wonderful way to connect and immerse myself with different paths of connections and how each one can be individually meaningful. The story of connecting in nature resonated especially with me as I feel a complete sense of peace and contentment when I am in nature. I am often in awe of the amazing beauty we have around us. Sometimes when in the middle of a hectic day, I can reset my mind by stopping and finding a beautiful scene to focus on and ground me back to simplicity...I am planning to give my copy of Experience God to my niece. She and I have never before talked about this topic so I am curious to see what her thoughts will be...
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I am looking forward to having a chat with YOU and Brooke!! Can't wait to hear your thoughts and questions!